The past few days have been fairly normal days for me. I've spent a lot of time reading. I've spent some time writing. On Friday I spent most of my day at a local elementary school volunteering. On Saturday morning my brother and I headed over to the publice library so that he could do some studying for exams and I could get out of the house to do some writing. I did get some writing done while we were at the library. Around mid-day saturday we headed home to eat lunch and do things around the house. I took a shower that afternoon, and got myself ready to head to Dow Gardens for the annual Christmas Walk. This year during the annual Dow Gardens Chirstmas walk, a couple of my friends came with me to sing while I played the piano. We had a lot of fun with it. That night I got home just as my parents were about to walk out the door to head over to a friends house for a small group meeting. That left my brother and I alone at home without any parents. So my brother and I had a quiet night at home, alone. We knew that it was supposed to begin snowing on Saturday night, so we were waiting for the snow to begin. I didn't see it start snowing. But on Sunday morning when I woke up, there was snow on the ground, and it was still snowing out. I had to work in the church nursery on Sunday morning, and we had one child who was fasinated by the snow falling outside of the window. It snowed throughout the day, on and off. I shoveled the driveway two times during the course of the day. Last night as my mom and I were watching the nightly news, my mom got a call saying that the school district that she works for was going to be closed tomarrow. As we watched some TV last night, we saw that the school that I am volunteering in (and the school district it is a part of) was going to be closed today. Sometime overnight the university that my dad is tutoring at and taking classes at, and that my brother is going to for nursing closed. So none of us have anything going on today.
Today I am hoping to get some good work done on my novel. I am trying to finish it by the first of the year. I really want to finish this thing so that I cann decide wether or not to look for a publisher, or self publish, or not to publish at all. I have been having so much fun writing this novel simply because of the twist and turns I never expected, and that I only found out about because I listened to what the characters were telling me.
Back to the novel!
Monday, December 13, 2010
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