Wednesday, February 9, 2011

It's been an interusting week. I've been trying to get myself going on something the whole week, but haven't been able too. About the only I have been able to do is keep getting posts for set up to be posted through tomarrow. What is it with me? Last week at this time we had a big snow storm roll through, and my whole family spent two days at home together. All that snow we got is still here. Almost all of the piles of snow at the end of people's driveways are at least as tall as me, which isn't saying much considering I'm only four foot eleven and a quarter inches. After all that snow, a bit of shoveling, and countless hours waiting for the plow to come through the neighborhood, I made it to church on Saturday morning for rehersal with all the bell choirs at church. On Saturday night and Sunday morning church was having a hymn festival, which all of the bell chiors were involved in. All of the bell chiors were coming together to do a processional that lead into the first hymn. So it took a bit to get it put together. After we got the processional put together, the adult bell chior (called JuBELLation) had a rehersal to put a peice we were playing with the organ together. We hadn't ever practiced the peice we were doing at such a fast pace. We managed to make it work, which was a good thing.

Meanwhile I haven't done any work on any of the novels that I have started latley. I wish I could get myself going on even just one of them.

I should really log off now, and force myself to work on one of my novels. But that doesn't seem likley.

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