Friday, March 14, 2008

Patrick Henery Hughes

Here it is (FINNALLY!). I promised I would post the song, or at least the lyrics to the song, once I had them more solid. Here they are!

I reach out my hands
and feel those keys
and I know that
you cant see them
and only can feel them

I try to understand
exactly what you feel
when your hands
feel those keys
but I know
I will never know
exactly what you feel

You are such a star
your out there
playing and singing your heart out
better than most people can
and Im sitting here
playing my heart out
and knowing what it feels like
to have your heart soar
as you play

Your a star in the darkness
who can do everything
that I wish I could do
you can play a piano
better than most seeing people can

And to me
that pianist
that can see
and can extend her arms
but struggles with ADD
uses you as a guide
that bright star in the darkness
who gives me something to aim for

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