Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Last night was the final game of the season. WOW! It feels like the season just flew by. It was kind of an emotional game for me since it was the final game, and probobly the last time I'll work for the Loons.Last night I wrote the lyrics for a couple songs I had in mind. I'm one of those writers who writes whatever I can hear first. Sometimes its the music first other times the lyrics come first. Here is the first set of lyrics I wrote:

Here I am
staring at the wall
woundrin where I go from here
what happens
now we're almost done
they took you from me
and put you at lemonaide
so Im standing here alone
woundrin how Ill cope
being so alone
just looking around
it looks so empty
will people see just me
or will they see who they want me to be
all they see is an employee
not a person who is in her last day of her job

Yeah...so that was the first set of lyrics I wrote with a specific melody that I already had written earlier in the summer. Ill share the other song I wrote last night later. During the last SUnday game of the season, I wrote a couple sets of lyrics. Here's the first set:

Is this the end
of who I am
and my life as I knew it
or will my life go on
just as it has for so many years

My life is changing and will never be the same
I wasnt who I was yesterday
and never will again
but life goes on
and life goes onjust as it always has
it will continue onas it has
'till everything changes.

The other set of lyrics from the final sunday game of the season are next. This set doesnt have a backstory...so if you want the backstory the this one, dont ask...there really isnt a story behind it besides being bored out of my mind at work.

Ever believed you'd stare at a wall
woundrin if someone would call
ever believed you'd stare at a wall
and try to find your voice
if you ever find it at all
you stand there alone
starin at the wall
woundring if youll find
where you belong in this world
Staring at the wallwoundring if youd find your voice
just staring at the wall
will you find your voice
in this lifetime
or in this world
as you stare at the wall

Next up are the lyrics for anouther song. The lyrics for this song have a uniqe backstory to them. I'm not sure if Ill share that backstory just yet. I will definatly tell you that I wrote them last night thinking about the people Ive met working for the loons, and the friends Ive made there. If Marj is reading this, she might pick up on at least one reference to someone we worked with at the loons. So here are the lyrics:

Im dreaming of you
we've worked together
we've stayed together
nothing has pulled us apart

Staying together
working together
together for always
loving for always

I miss seeing your face
every other friday
having you around
and seeing your face
was always a pleasure

Im dreaming again
of seeing you again
of sticking together
looking back
at working together
at staying togetherat nothing pulling us apart

Yeah yeah yeah...I know...you probobly want to know what was going on when I wrote this. Its wild for me to read these again as Im typing them up, mostly because its almost like I knew I was going to dream about something that had happened at the loons during this season, but it was like I was working there again next season. I think Ill come back to these later and maybe Ill tell you the whole backstory then.

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