Monday, May 2, 2011

Loosing track, beggining new project, life is good

I sure have lost track of time when it comes to getting posts put up! I'm sorry for not posting for so long, but I've had a lot of stuff go on in my life. My lfe has been going well. And I have some great news to share with anybody that reads regularly, or might just happen to stumble across my blog and see this post.
I've got a huge project that I have begun. I am in the process of getting funding set up, finding actors and actresses, and writing the soundtrack for a small budget movie that I am going to film in Midland, MI. I started looking for funding, and actors on this past Saturday.
I am still looking for funding and actors. If you are interusted in throwing some money into a film that is coming of age story, the story of a young woman on a journey towards a career as a concert pianist, and a story of how many obsticles that life can throw at a person please e-mail me at with the subject line of Home funding.
If you would like a role in this movie, large or small, please e-mail me at with the subject line of home audition and with a photo (preferablly a head shot), and any experience/your resume.

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